Using the Safety-RIM Product Connection, organizations with both Safety and RIM Vauts can send product data from Vault RIM to Vault Safety, providing a common set of data against which to record Safety Cases. The Safety-RIM Product Connection transfers, creates, and updates the following records in your Safety Vault based on updates made to corresponding records in your RIM Vault:

  • Organization (of type Registration Holder)
  • Product Family
  • Product
  • Product Family Product
  • Active Substance
  • Product Family Active Substance
  • Product Component (for complex products)
  • Product Variant
  • Registration (requires RIM Registrations)

Establishing the Connection

First, establish a Vault to Vault Connection with your RIM Vault as the source. The Safety-RIM Product Connection appears as a standard Connection.

Next, set the Status field on the RIM-Safety: Product Integration on your new Connection object to Active.

The remainder of the configuration occurs in Vault Safety.

Record Mapping

When you create a new record, update an existing record, or delete a record in your RIM Vault, the corresponding record in Vault Safety is created, updated, or marked for deletion. The following table displays the mapping of RIM to Vault Safety objects:

RIM Object Record Vault Safety Object Record
organization__rim organization__v of object type registration_holder__v (1.0 Organization)
product__v product_family__v (2.0 Product Family)
drug_product__v product__v (3.0 Product)
product_pharmaceutical_product__rim product_family_product__v (4.0 Product Family Product)
product_detail__v product_variant__v (5.0 Product Variant)
product_component__rim product_constituent__v (6.0 Product Constituent)
drug_substance__v substance__v (7.0 Substance)
product_active_substance__rim product_family_substance__v (8.0 Product Family Substance)
registration__rim product_registration__v (9.0 Product Registration)