Vault can create PDF viewable renditions for Structured Product Labeling (SPL) submissions uploaded as ZIP files, allowing you to easily preview your submission. The rendition is a single-page PDF and mirrors how the SPL appears in a browser.

Vault can also render PDFs for ZIP files containing XML with valid HTML transformations (XSL/XSLT).

SPL File Criteria

When you upload a ZIP of an SPL rendition as a document source file, Vault can render it if it meets the following criteria:

  • The ZIP contains only one (1) XML file and image files.
  • The XML header includes the correct FDA stylesheet/schema information.
  • Files are in the root of the ZIP folder.

If the ZIP doesn’t meet these criteria, Vault treats it like any other ZIP file and does not create a viewable rendition.

FDA Stylesheet/Schema

<?xml-stylesheet href="" type="text/xsl"?><br />
<document xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7-org:v3">

XML File Criteria

When you upload a ZIP file with XML, Vault can render it if it meets the following criteria:

  • The primary XML file must be clearly identified in the ZIP in one of the following ways:
    • The ZIP structure contains only one (1) XML file, which can be in any directory and which Vault uses as the primary source for the rendition.
    • The ZIP structure contains only one (1) XML file at the root directory, which Vault uses as the primary source for the rendition. Other supporting XML can be in sub-directories.
  • The ZIP contains at least one (1) stylesheet (XSL/XSLT) file that is either in the root directory or referenced within the XML file. Vault can only render styles if the stylesheet uses XSL V1.0.
  • The XML does not include external references to stylesheets or DTD/XSD files.
  • The XML must be valid according to the DTD/XSD criteria.

If the ZIP doesn’t meet these criteria, Vault treats it like any other ZIP file and does not create a viewable rendition.