Users managing global content plans at an organization’s headquarters can leverage Vault’s content plan synchronization capability to incrementally dispatch Global Content Plans as sections are finalized, allowing local affiliates to review and accept or reject the changes Vault will make to the market-specific Submission Content Plan as a result of the dispatch.

This method supplements Vault’s existing content plan dispatching capability: While users can still dispatch a source Global Content Plan in its entirety from an Event, incremental dispatching reduces overall effort in synchronizing the source content plan with the target Submission Content Plan as headquarters users update the source with new records and documents over time.

To support the review and synchronization, Vault generates a snapshot of the differences between what’s been dispatched from the source global plan and the target submission plans, then makes them available for review in a comparison viewer. Affiliates can use the viewer to accept or reject the proposed updates, then Vault automatically applies the accepted changes to the target Submission Content Plan.

You can also configure Vault to generate Active Dossier records from a Global Content Plan dispatch. See Active Dossier Configuration for more information.

Configuration Overview

  1. Configure your Vault to support Global Content Plans.
  2. Configure the Dispatch Global Content Plan and Review Comparison actions.
  3. Configure object fields and object page layouts.
  4. Update your Vault’s security configurations to allow users to access the feature and receive the Comparison Ready notification.
  5. Enable the Enable Dispatch Comparison setting, then populate at least one Content Plan Lifecycle State in which Vault will generate a dispatch comparison. The state(s) you select should correspond to the Content Plan object lifecycle state(s) configured to use the Dispatch Global Content Plan action in Step 2.
  6. Recommended: In the Dispatch Content Plan Results (dispatch_cp_results__v) notification template, update the label preceding the ${dispatchSubGroupings} token to include dispatching to both Document Sets and Countries, for example “Dispatched to:”.
  7. Optional: Configure Vault to generate Active Dossier records from a Global Content Plan dispatch.

Configuring Object Actions

To allow users to dispatch from the content plan and review comparisons:

  1. Assign the Review Comparison action to all relevant Submission object types.
  2. In the Content Plan object lifecycle, define a user action for the Dispatch Global Content Plan system action within the relevant lifecycle states. We recommend creating the user action with a matching label (Dispatch Global Content Plan) within the Draft and Baselined states. To determine whether to select the Ignore Content Plan Template Constraints and Copy Relationships configuration options, see Configuring Global Content Plans.

Configuring Object Fields & Page Layouts

To allow users to access Dispatch Message record details and actions, add a related object section for the Dispatch Message object to the Event and Activity object page layouts.

Additionally, within the Content Plan object, update the Copied From (copied_from__v) field to include the Do not copy this field in Copy Record option.

About the Mandatory for Dispatch Acceptance Field

The Mandatory for Dispatch Acceptance field is available for configuration in the following objects and select object types:

  • Content Plan
  • Content Plan Item
  • Content Plan Template
  • Content Plan Item Template

When this checkbox field is populated (true), Vault requires the change for the row to be applied when the Accept verdict is selected in the comparison viewer. This means that the user cannot deselect rows where the record is marked as mandatory:

  • When a Content Plan record is mandatory, only that specific row is mandatory (cannot be deselected) in the comparison viewer.
  • When a Content Plan Item record is mandatory, that specific row and its matched documents are mandatory (cannot be deselected) in the comparison viewer.

To mark a record as mandatory, you can:

  • Add the Mandatory for Dispatch Acceptance column to the content plan grid view, then use inline editing to select the checkbox in individual records.
  • Update the Mandatory Dispatch Acceptance field via bulk action.

To allow users to set the field value as new records are created, you can also add the field to the page layouts of all listed objects and their applicable object types.

Configuring Permissions

Permission Sets

Users performing various content plan synchronization activities must be assigned a permission set with the below controls.

Type Permission Label Controls
Security Profile Objects: Dispatch Message Users must have Read access.
Security Profile Objects: Dispatch Message: Object Field Permissions Users must have Read access.
Security Profile Objects: Dispatch Message: Object Action Permissions Users must have Execute access for the Review Comparison action and Regenerate Comparison action.
Security Profile Objects: Dispatch Message Content Plans Users must have Read access.
Security Profile Objects: Dispatch Message Content Plans: Object Field Permissions Users must have Read access.
Security Profile Objects: Submission: Object Action Permissions Users must have Execute access for the Review Comparison action.
Security Profile Objects: Content Plan: Object Action Permissions Users must have Execute access for the Dispatch Global Content Plan action.
Security Profile Pages: EDL Comparison Viewer Users must have View access to the EDL Comparison Viewer page.

Atomic Security

Review your Vault’s Content Plan and Submission object lifecycle configuration. If your organization uses Atomic Security to control actions:

  1. Within the Content Plan object lifecycle, ensure the impacted roles are able to execute the Dispatch Global Content Plan action in the configured states, for example Draft and Baselined.
  2. Within the Submission object lifecycle, ensure the impacted roles are able to execute the Review Comparison action in the relevant lifecycle states.

Dynamic Access Control & the Submission Owner Application Role

When Dynamic Access Control is configured, you can assign users to the Submission Owner Application Role, to allow Vault to notify local affiliates when the Submission Content Plan is initially created from dispatch and when a comparison is ready for review for a submission. This notification is sent to all users and user groups in the Submission Owner role on the Submission’s Application as well as those on the Submission itself. Your organization may choose to implement the role assignment to receive the notification at only the Application level, at the more granular Submission level, or at both the Application and Submission levels.

To do this:

  • Enable Custom Sharing Rules and/or Matching Sharing Rules for the Application object, enabling Dynamic Access Control. You can also do this for the Submission object. Dynamic Access Control must be enabled for the object in order to assign user roles and populate them in the object record’s Sharing Settings. If your Vault already has Dynamic Access Control configured for the Application object, you can skip this step.
    • If your organization does not want to fully configure Dynamic Access Control rules and is only planning to use it for the purpose of receiving Comparison Ready notifications, we recommend configuring Custom Sharing Rules. Then, create a rule with blank rule criteria and add All Internal Users into the Editor role. This allows all users to be able to maintain their existing Application object permissions as defined in their permission set. Otherwise, if no rule is created and Dynamic Access Control is enabled on the object, then users will not have access to any existing records by default.
  • Optional: Identify the users or user groups who should receive notification that a comparison is ready for review for the Applications. Then, set up Custom or Matching Sharing Rules to assign users/groups into the Submission Owner role. If using Matching Sharing Rules, you may opt to create User Role Setup records to assign users into the Submission Owner role.

If your Vault does not use Dynamic Access Control to automatically assign users or user groups to the Submission Owner role on Application or Submission records, you can assign users and groups to the Submission Owner role manually on existing Application and Submission records in bulk using the Assign Users & Groups to Roles on Object Records Vault API.